The Pediatric Development Center now implements the use of Therapeutic Listening!
This program uses specifically modulated music input to target the vestibular and auditory systems for improved internal organization. We offer skilled information, assistance and a lending library to help you and your child get the most out of this exciting therapeutic tool.
Holly St. Onge, MS OTR/L has completed the Therapeutic Listening workshop and is in charge of setting up programs for families.
Set up Process:
We use the Listening Skills Inventory to gather information about each client in order to decide the appropriate set of CDs to use with each child. Parents are then given the Vital Sounds Modulation Order Form containing our course completion number so they can order their personal set of headphones. The program is designed to be used with specific headphones that are engineered to the same quality at which the CDs are recorded in order to provide the full potential of the modulated discs. PDC also offers a lending library so families who enroll have access to a full range of CDs. An annual fee of $63 gains each child the ability to borrow one disc for the duration of two weeks at a time. CDs are also used during treatment sessions to supplement other sensory processing activities.
Please contact the Pediatric Development Center to learn more!